Year 5 Market Reflection

Year 5 Market Reflection

When the doors of Metcalfe Hall first opened, a burst of excitement spread around the school as fast as a late business man spreading Vegemite on bread. Everyone was ready for this day, especially the Year 5 students. The have prepared since the end of March and yesterday was the day it all payed off.

As the first customers walked into the colourful Metcalfe Hall, I started to wonder:What if they don’t like our products? What if no-one buys them? To my surprise, a huge, happy chatter started as smaller children looked around our colourful displays and started to buy them. Soon, the smaller children’s time was up and older children began to come and buy the market’s hand-made products. We were even allowed to buy things! 

At the market, there were some bestsellers. One was pillows. The fabric that they were made from were beautiful, bright patterns that were eye-catchy. This product was very popular and was sold out quickly. At the end of the day, lots of people were carrying a pillow! Another bestseller was pom-poms. The pom-poms came in different colours and were made into different products. Pom-pom head bands were one. Pom-pom key rings were also one. Even though these pom-pom products were popular, just normal pom-poms were the crowd’s favourite. As advice for year 4s, I suggest you do pom-poms and pillows, since they are very popular.

Our team started of as a good start, but we still argued a bit. Finally, we agreed on some products  that were hard to make but were worth it. A challenge was hydro dipping because we couldn’t get spray paint until the second last week. A highlight of the market was when James and Robyn turned up. This was really special because our market was all about James. 

Our group was really happy when visitors like student parents complimented on our work or even bought things from our market stall. A PLA is when we used collaboration. We used collaboration when almost all our products were sold, so we had to collaborate and sell the last things. If I could do something differently, I would use more care making products. 

At the market, I learned that if you want success, you have to work together, if it is a group project.

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